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Mohammad Robihul Mufid, Yogi Pratama, Arna Fariza, and Saniyatul Mawaddah. "Modification MVC Architecture in PHP using Basedata Service Display Pattern." In International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science 2023 (iCAST-ES 2023), pp. 4-18. Atlantis Press, 2024. |
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Muhlis Tahir, Choirun Annas, Mohammad Robihul Mufid, Andhik Ampuh Yunanto, Arvita Agus Kurniasari, and Achmad Shofyan. "Geographic Information System of Fish Farmers Location in Tulungagung District Using Leaflet." In International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2022 (iCAST-SS 2022), pp. 681-685. Atlantis Press, 2022. |
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Darmawan Aditama, Fardani Annisa Damastuti, Nur Syaela Majid, Mohammad Robihul Mufid, and Agung Fiyanto. "Development of Animal Recognition E-Learning Using Augmented Reality Technology". In International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2021 (iCAST-SS 2021), pp. 983-989. Atlantis Press, 2022. |
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Mohammad Robihul Mufid, Saniyatul Mawaddah, Arif Basofi, Mochammad Jauhar Ulul Albab, Nur Syaela Majid, Devvana Arya Pratama, Risalatun Nuriyah, and Nidalifa Choirunnisa. "Image Data Compression in the Public Reporting System in Lamongan using the Huffman Method and Run Length Encoding." In International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2021 (iCAST-SS 2021), pp. 887-891. Atlantis Press, 2022. |
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Novi Aryani Fitri, Rahmanisa Zahira Emba, Mohammad Robihul Mufid, Agung Fiyanto, Wajib Wajib, and Achmad Shofyan. "Kediri City Tourism Object Application Using Firebase Realtime Database Technology." In International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2021 (iCAST-SS 2021), pp. 892-897. Atlantis Press, 2022. |
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Saniyatul Mawaddah, Mohammad Robihul Mufid, Arif Basofi, Agung Fiyanto, Darmawan Aditama, and Nadiya Nurlaila. "Rhizome Image Classification Using Support Vector Machine." In International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2021 (iCAST-SS 2021), pp. 990-993. Atlantis Press, 2022. |
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Mohammad Robihul Mufid, Arif Basofi, Saniyatul Mawaddah, Khusnul Khotimah, and Nurul Fuad. "Risk diagnosis and mitigation system of covid-19 using expert system and web scraping." In 2020 International Electronics Symposium (IES), pp. 577-583. IEEE, 2020. |
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Mohammad Robihul Mufid, Muhlis Tahir, Dia Bitari Meiyuana, Ananda Bhaskara Dwileksa, and Eva Kumiawaty. "Housing design in planet green tambora using augmented reality for promotion media." In 2020 International Electronics Symposium (IES), pp. 669-673. IEEE, 2020. |
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Mohammad Robihul Mufid, Arif Basofi, Iwan Syarif, Fahrul Sanjaya, "Estimated Vehicle Fuel Calculation Based on Google Map Realtime Distance," International Electronics Symposium (IES), pp. 354-358, 27 September, 2019, Surabaya, Indonesia |
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Muhammad Mufid, M. Udin Harun Al Rasyid, Iwan Syarif, "Performance Evaluation of PEGASIS Protocol for Energy Efficiency," International Electronics Symposium on Engineering Technology and Applications (IES-ETA), 29-30 October 2018, Bali, Indonesia |
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Muhammad Mufid, Nilla Rachmi, Arna Fariza, Mu'arifin, "Performance Evaluation of PEGASIS Protocol for Energy Efficiency," International Electronics Symposium on Engineering Technology and Applications (IES-KCIC), 29-30 October 2018, Bali, Indonesia |
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Robihul Mufid, M. Udin Harun Al Rasyid, Amang Sudarsono, "Allocation Strategy Guaranteed Time Slots (GTS) on Real Hardware Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)", International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and System (ICTS), 31 October 2017, Surabaya Indonesia. |
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